Death Illuminated

Project Description
Design a 5,400 square foot exhibition, highlighting the unique collection of Laurel Hill Cemetery. The project was held over an entire semester, and was collaborated in teams consisting of 2 developers/designers, 1 museum educator, and 1 marketing and communications specialist. The exhibition highlighted Laurel Hill Cemetery, and included additional outside objects to enhance the visitor experience and exhibition concept. The assignment culminated in a 107 page book and presentation to the Laurel Hill Cemetery and University of the Arts staff.
Artistry Within the Death Industry
The artistic facets of the death industry can help memorialize those who have passed and can help the living reimagine their perceptions on death.
Death Illuminated invites visitors to reimagine the way they perceive death. Through scenic vignettes and artist installations, Death Illuminated brings light to the artistry that goes into our ceremonies and memorials for the dead. With stories from Laurel Hill Cemetery professionals, and a Death Doula guide, visitors delve into different points of the post-mortem journey including funerary practices, body preparation, and floral arrangements. Interactive opportunities throughout the exhibit include designing an urn or casket and drafting a six-word memoir, provide opportunities for visitors to begin curating their own memorial visions.

0.0 Introduction
0.1 Death Doulas
1.0 Artisans of the Afterlife
1.1 Your Right to Choose
1.2 The Art and Science Behind Morticians
1.3 Professional Mourners
2.0 A Floral Farewell
2.1 Flower and Wreath Symbolism
3.0 Designing for the Deceased
3.1 Landscape Architects
3.2 Epitaphs
3.3 Sculptors - Memorializing Through Design
3.4 Architects - Monumental Resting Place
4.0 Conclusion
The exhibition was designed with the intention of meeting the needs of many visitor types with multi-sensory experiences, varying viewpoints, and providing an exhibition that is not one size fits all. Visitors can choose different voice types of the Death Doula to read the section panels; navigation throughout the exhibition was thoughtfully constructed to allow for easy navigation for those with mobility challenges; and Braille Stations with Braille text, large print text, and textured relief pages are displayed for all visitors to enjoy.